Get Back Together With Your Ex Fast: Going It Alone!

Get Back Together With Your Ex Fast

Dear Friends, hullo again from Ivan

Today I would like to talk a little about an enemy called “Going It Alone!”

We all react so differently to a traumatic relationship CRASH! One of there reactions is to withdraw. Rather than making a plan to get the ex back, one withdraws inwards. This isolation leads to a lack of action and excludes vital friendship, love and support. The feeling of wanting to cut oneself out of society is quite understandable but can result in a loss of so much happiness
There is not a single successful business or happy family that swims in a pool of isolation. Every single one of them relies absolutely on relationships between people. One of the most difficult things when hammered by a break-up is to stay in circulation, I have spoken about “mourning your loss” and that this must have a limited time span. Force yourself to get talking to friends and family about your loss and the options open to you, but do not lose sight of the fact that no matter how catastrophic the break-up was there is still hope. If you have not tried the magic of making up then you have not given your hopes of retrieving your lost love much credit. Get back together with your ex with our loving and expert help, and you will only then understand what is so special about it. It will be like a new creation, it will BE a new relationship because so much will change, and it will be so much better than before. If you handle this correctly you will be amazed! It is so plain to many who have already walked this path with us, and it will become plain to you

When people isolate themselves, dark thoughts and deep hurts can easily overcome common sense and logic. Emotions run riot and thoughts have a struggle to organise themselves, sensible action becomes difficult in the love arena. I need to refresh you on a very crucial point …….. begging and pleading, desperate midnight calls, promises never to do this or that ever again, promises to change, promises-promises-promises……….RUBBISH! And that is what it all is, because that is what you will do your chances of ever recovering that special relationship. You will trash it, turn it all into rubbish! And your hopes with it. What I have just said is quite harsh, but I am trying to get my point across CLEARLY! If you try to go it alone you will blunder and make the most fundamental and foolish and irreversible mistakes!

Everything I have said here today is simple truth, I am not trying to scare you into any type of silly action, no. I am simply trying to give you a perspective other than your own which I hope will make sense to you, I am trying to keep you away from the edge of the precipice! I promise you, the fall is far and the landing hard and the goblet of regret is bitter to drink from

Please dear friend, do not be afraid to get involved here with others. Many have gone through with this successfully mainly because there is back-up and support. Allow us in, let us walk this road with you, going it alone will only rob you of so much information and help that will guarantee your success. You may only have one shot at this and if you fluff it this time there may be no other, you will have to cut your losses

In conclusion, and once again, mourn your loss yes, but do your utmost to maintain hope until you are over the worst, and plan your action in the meantime. And definitely study this course, it will prepare you for what you will need to do soon. And I also want to tell you this from my own marriage, there have been any number of times when I thought things were hopeless, divorce seemed to be the only action open………..but each time I have left things to simmer for a little while and talked to others, and then seen things in a new light. My marriage is not about me, it is about US. I am not alone in my marriage, my wife is in it WITH me, neither of us are in it alone. And when I remember these things it makes it all look different. I am not alone in it all. 

I hope that what I have said today has made some sort of sense to you, stay with me as I have previous articles you can read on my blog below and more to come. Link up here below and allow us to walk along with you

As a husband and Dad, I truly wish you well in your quest to get your ex back with you

Kind Regards, Ivan

PS Despair can immobilize you, you need to be mobile!

I am married and a father, I so deeply appreciate the value of a long-lasting relationship. There is something in that sphere of interaction that is far removed from brief acquaintances and living alone or with friends or family. A passionate relationship needs trust and time to build up, and once it is established there is no substitute. It is so easy to want out of a relationship when you are in it, and it can be very hard to weigh up the benefits when you are under enormous pressure emotionally
Sometimes a break-up can be a very good and constructive way to build a bond that is more durable, trusting, familiar and more snug-fitting. Time apart gives emotions time to untangle and make sense, one gets an opportunity to stand aside and take calm stock of the relationship. I so strongly urge you to follow through with this, it is very well worth it if your heart says you truly want to heal your relationship and get back together with your ex Dear Friend. Life is so short, there is little time for throwing precious things to the wind. We waste so much energy fighting, and give so little by comparison to doing pleasant and love things. Work alone takes up more time that family and relationships, and we need to address this as best we can, that takes commitment and dedication as well as caring thought and unselfishness. It should not be so much what "I want for me" but rather what "I can give FOR others", and trust me, with the right approach others will give back tons more than you give
Go well, Kind Regards, Ivan

More soon!