Get Back Together: Impatience Getting To You?

Get Back Together With Your Ex Fast


A lousy break-up can easily strip us of some of our normal reserve and self-control. We can become irrational in some areas and irritable and impatient in others. None of this is conducive to re-establishing a broken relationship. It would be wise to press ”PAUSE”, take a few deep and slow breaths and begin to reason things through………..with a little help from a friend of course

Dear Friends, hullo again from Ivan

Today I would like to talk a little about an enemy called “Impatience”

Businesses are not built on haywire or random principles, and with good reason as you can imagine. So it stands to reason that a relationship must also be built on some firm ground too, this has to include ‘How to begin’ and ‘How to continue………long-term’. The business “deal” we have on the table at the moment is called “How To Get My Ex Back”, and the principle behind this is “I Want To Get My Ex Back Permanently

The way your relationship began at first has no new bearing on how things are right now, and on where things need go from here on in, what is crucial is getting your act together so that you are equipped to move things forward in a pattern rather than on a schedule. It would be rather unwise to try to attach a schedule to healing a relationship, we are talking charged human emotions here and not cold business practise

So this has to set the tone from now and onward, how are you going to proceed? A bull in a china shop is never a grand plan, damage is the only possibility, so the opposite must apply………keep the bull out! (excuse the unintended double-meaning). In other words, no bulldust, no charging into things like a crazy bull, no stomping like an angry bull, no attacking of any likely-looking target like a bull in a bullring, some basic rules and guidelines need to be applied, reason and sanity must prevail. You need to think this through, and preferably do this BEFORE you take any kind of action aimed at getting your ex back together with you. If you really are sincere in getting things sorted out between you, to have your differences laid to rest and a firm foundation set for long-term involvement, then you will pay attention to what you find here

Be WARNED! There are many half-baked programs and articles, I have seen enough of them believe me, they say they know how to help you get your ex back, but too many of them show a total lack of real understanding and appreciation for human nature and the emotions involved with LOVE. Even in putting together my articles, I have looked at other articles around-and-about…………..Oh Boy! Anybody who goes for that loose-cannon poppycock is DOOMED! to say the least. (I do not mean to use this article to criticise other writers, but rather to try to warn you in no uncertain terms)

Please! Dear Friend, on this program we really do care about you and your ex and do not want to see you fail, here we will teach you to take it slow, to be patient and cautious, and to be wise enough to avoid the terrible mistake of rushing into this. If you do rush ahead on mistaken advice you will lose, and just the thought of your misguided good intentions losing you your loved-one is scary. We want to see you get your ex back and have a good strong and happy time together

I think that you will agree with me that caution and careful thought and action is the most likely way to breed success in your quest to regain your ex and keep this together long-term, it also stands to reason then that going it alone under such highly-charged circumstances is also not such a grand idea, and this is what I would like to discuss in the next article
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As a husband and Dad, I truly wish you well in your quest to get your ex back together with you……………long-term!

Kind Regards, Ivan

PS Impatience is costly, you would never rush into a business deal so don’t rush into this

I am married and a father, I so deeply appreciate the value of a long-lasting relationship. There is something in that sphere of interaction that is far removed from brief acquaintances and living alone or with friends or family. A passionate relationship needs trust and time to build up, and once it is established there is no substitute. It is so easy to want out of a relationship when you are in it, and it can be very hard to weigh up the benefits when you are under enormous pressure emotionally. Sometimes a break-up can be a very good and constructive way to build a bond that is more durable, trusting, familiar and more snug-fitting. Time apart gives emotions time to untangle and make sense, one gets an opportunity to stand aside and take calm stock of the relationship. I so strongly urge you to follow through with this, it is very well worth it if your heart says you truly want to heal your relationship with your ex Dear friend, life is so short. There is little time for throwing precious things to the wind. We waste so much energy fighting, and give so little by comparison to doing pleasant and love things. Work alone takes up more time that family and relationships, and we need to address this as best we can, that takes commitment and dedication as well as caring thought and unselfishness. It should not be so much what "I want for me" but rather what "I can give FOR others", and trust me, with the right approach others will give back tons more than you give
Go well, Kind Regards, Ivan

More soon!